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Hello friends! It was an amazing weekend I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Candace and Cary’s 1920s wedding! In this blog I will walk you through the day, it was an amazing wedding with an amazing couple. Let’s start off with how I met Candace, she was referred to me by the owner of a Venue;The Historic John B. Busch Brewery her name is Angie, and, well, she is amazing. I have worked with her a few times and she is the most caring venue vendor I have ever met.When Candace and I first spoke she told me that she needed me in a couple of weeks, now normally people book a year out, but Candace had her photographer up and quit on her. Which I know can be stressful. I tried to re-assure her that would not happen with me unless there is some dire emergency (funny I say that keep reading). So I happen to have Candace’s date open, it was meant to be and she told me it was a 1920’s wedding so I was super excited. Now with most Weddings that have a theme you get the bride and groom that dress the part and a few others, but not many people participate. That was NOT the case with this wedding, everyone joined in! 

I am getting ahead of myself.

So the week before the wedding something crazy happened, my son had gotten appendicitis and had to have surgery. I told Candace I would not miss her wedding unless something crazy happened and there it was knocking at my door. I don’t want to leave you hanging for too long my son is fine, and he made it through the surgery with flying colors. He was able to leave before the wedding on that weekend. 

That was a close one!

So on to the wedding: I had a very special guest with me shooting this wedding, my wife! She wanted to second shoot. This was not a part of Candace and Cary’s package so they got a freebie from us and it was awesome practice for my wife and she fell right into the role. Her images turned out fine and with more practice, I think she could be a natural, she was using my back up camera which is not the greatest a Panasonic G7 with a 14-105 F4 Lens. Those of you who are photographers reading this know that that lens/camera is not going to do well in low light so her images did have quite a bit of grain.

So we both started out with the getting ready shots. The bride and groom both got ready in the same house in Washington Missouri, called The Red Brick Rose and Donuts. The house was amazing and so were the shots we got of Cary and Candace.

There was a small challenge with not letting them see one another, and Candace was not getting in her dress until she got to the venue, and when you see the dress you will know why!

The Historic John B. Busch Brewery Washington MO--04010

Once the getting ready pictures and the gift opening pictures were done Megan and I drove over to the venue (which was not even a minute away).

While I was getting some detail shots of their amazing setup with 1920’s centerpieces while Megan (my wife) got a few pictures of Candace getting in her dress in the ladies’ room.

The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B

After that was the first look, I really enjoy these shots. 

In fact, I was the one that mentioned this idea to Candace and she loved it. 

I really like first looks because it takes the stress away from the groom standing up there at the alter waiting and the stress away from the bride if wither or not we are going to get images of the couple seeing each other for the first time. It is just the couple, they get to share that moment alone and we get some intimate candid moments of just the bride and groom. 

Love those moments! 

The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B
The Historic John B

Next is the ceremony the groom is able to walk up and wait for his beautiful bride. TIP: I normally stand to the right of the efficient. To get the photos of the bride walking up the aisle, and to get the grooms face if you are standing to the left then you might only see the back of his head, or if he has groomsmen, their heads.  After the bride has been given to the groom I walk back down the aisle to get the side image of them standing by the efficient. So I get the rings and the first kiss. Candace and Cary have a blended family so they chose to do the sand blending which turned out rather nicely until the sand overflowed, but, they had a good laugh.

The Historic John B
The Historic John B

We moved outside, luckily it was overcast the entire day.  I found a place in at this busy venue that was clear for us to do family images. Which I think all turned out amazing. As you can see I stood everyone against an amazing looking rock wall. The family pictures came and went very quickly! Then we moved on to the bride and groom shots which is another time that I love because I get to work with just the couple. Sometimes I get to scratch that creative itch. This couple was so fun and I got a very funny image that the bride was totally down for capturing.

The Historic John B
The Historic John B


This is a time where we get the first dance and the cake cutting, and once all that is done the photographers’ job is normally over, but for me, I like to stay a little bit longer just to get those shots where everyone is having a good time and my clients tend to appreciate this because I don’t charge by the hour. I charge by the day there are ups and downs to this and I will call it quits if I am pushing 8+ hours but I like capturing as much as I can without the bride rushing to get everything in to make sure she gets her photos of this amazing day. That pretty much wraps it up. So far in my wedding photography career this is one of the coolest ideas I have been a part of, everyone was very nice and we had a ton of fun!

The Historic John B. Busch Brewery Washington MO--04691
The Historic John B. Busch Brewery Washington MO--04823
The Historic John B. Busch Brewery Washington MO--04998

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The Historic John B Busch Brewery Event Center and an Amazing 1920s Style Wedding.

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